Trade fair review POWTECH 2023

11. October 2023


Lesezeit: 2 min.

In the period from 26 to 28 September 2023, the prestigious POWTECH exhibition acted as a meeting place for the world’s leading experts in process engineering and particle technology. The event was perceived not only as a knowledge-sharing platform, but also as a decisive step towards innovation and cross-industry collaboration.

At our booth 211, we presented solutions that are specifically tailored to the individual needs and requirements of our customers. The presentation of our products and solutions for use in cleanrooms was undoubtedly one of the highlights of our exhibition.


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Of course, we were again participants in the VDMA special show and co-exhibitors at the VDMA booth this year. We had the opportunity to present innovative products and solutions together with other well-known companies in the field of general ventilation technology and process engineering machinery and equipment.

This was a remarkable premiere, with member companies from both trade associations joining forces to offer visitors an impressive range of exhibits.

You can find more impressions of our booth and the trade fair activities in our picture series:

We would like to thank all visitors, partners, and colleagues who made our participation at POWTECH & 2023 an unforgettable experience.

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