Quality management

We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001

HET Quality Management


Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is committed to excellent quality management to ensure that every product meets our high quality standards. Our quality management system ensures that every step in the production process is carefully monitored and controlled, from design to delivery. This continuous quality monitoring ensures the consistency and reliability of our products.

As part of our commitment to quality management, we continuously invest in the training and further education of our employees. This ensures that our team not only has the necessary know-how, but is also familiar with the latest techniques and methods in quality management. This ongoing training enables us to ensure the continuous improvement of our products and processes.

Feedback from our customers plays a central role in our quality management approach. By communicating regularly with our customers and working closely with them, we can understand their needs and requirements precisely and use this understanding to continuously improve our offering. This customer-oriented approach to quality management enables us to react proactively to changes in the market and ensure that our products always meet and even exceed our customers’ expectations.

Customer orientation
We put the needs and expectations of our customers at the center of our activities to ensure their satisfaction.
Management provides clear guidelines and creates a quality culture to ensure that all employees understand and achieve quality objectives.
Relationship Management

We maintain long-term and trusting relationships with our suppliers and partners in order to jointly develop high-quality solutions.

Process-oriented approach

We view our activities as part of an overall process and look for opportunities to improve and increase efficiency.

System-oriented management approach

Our quality management system is designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and to coordinate and integrate all aspects of quality management.

Involvement of employees

We value the contributions and commitment of our employees and encourage their active participation in the quality management system.

Continuous improvement

We strive to constantly improve our processes, products and services in order to continuously increase quality.

Customer orientation

We put the needs and expectations of our customers at the center of our activities to ensure their satisfaction.

Process-oriented approach

We view our activities as part of an overall process and look for opportunities to improve and increase efficiency.


Management provides clear guidelines and creates a quality culture to ensure that all employees understand and achieve quality objectives.

System-oriented management approach

Our quality management system is designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 and to coordinate and integrate all aspects of quality management.

Continuous improvement

We strive to constantly improve our processes, products and services in order to continuously increase quality.

Relationship Management

We maintain long-term and trusting relationships with our suppliers and partners in order to jointly develop high-quality solutions.

Involvement of employees

We value the contributions and commitment of our employees and encourage their active participation in the quality management system.

Technical data

Our dedicated team of experienced professionals works with great care and precision to ensure that each product meets our high quality standards. We continuously invest in training and development to ensure that our employees have the necessary know-how and skills to produce first-class products.

We take our customers’ feedback very seriously and see it as a valuable source for improvement. Through regular communication and close cooperation with our customers, we are able to understand their requirements and incorporate them into the further development of our products.


We work in an environmentally conscious way to create a product that helps protect the environment.


is our mission

You can find out what makes us tick as a company here.

You want to learn more?

Contact us!

We will be happy to advise you on all topics relating to your project and your filter system.